The Glastonbury Celtic Football Club (GCFC) is an all volunteer organization that is supported and run by its members.
Dues are collected solely for the purpose of the club and its soccer endeavors. Dues are used to ensure the club is properly registered and insured with their respected leagues. The majority of dues collected is paid weekly to the match referees and linesman.
Players are required to pay their dues at the beginning of every Spring or Fall season. Dues must be paid before a player participates in an official game for the club. There are multiple ways to pay your dues:
1) PayPal Direct for players with their own PayPal account. Money should be paid to:
2) By clicking on this link:
3) With Venmo money can be sent directly to: @GCFC1972
4) Check (to "GCFC") or cash given to your Team Manager

There are three annual events that all club members are expected to participate in. They are the Hartford St. Patrick's Day Parade, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the Annual Awards Night.
The St. Patrick's Day Parade and the Awards Night are great family events where the "Four Team, One Club" idea is embraced. The parade is always held the Saturday before St. Patrick's Day in downtown Hartford.
The Annual Awards night is a chance to recognize both team and individual accomplishments from the previous season. The awards night is often held as a holiday event and held in early December.
Finally the AGM is held in the summer and its chance for club members to set the path for the upcoming Fall/Spring regular seasons. Votes are held on Board of Director positions, Team Manager positions, GCFC By-Laws updates, and any other topics related to the club.